HSI has announced further clarity regarding the Governments recently announced plan – Resilience and Recovery 2020-2021: Plan for Living with COVID-19 in respect of each Level 1-5 as related to Equestrian activities.
The framework consists of 5 Levels.
The lower Levels of the framework will be activated when there is low incidence of the disease, with isolated outbreaks, low community transmission.
The higher Levels will be used to deal with higher incidences of the disease. It will be possible for different regions and counties to be at a different Level to the National Level, depending on the incidence of the virus in that particular region or county.
Notwithstanding the exemptions which are afforded at the higher levels of the plan, it is important that stakeholders participate on an opt-in basis and take cognisance of their local conditions prevailing at the time.
In line with FEI recommendations for Equestrian Sport, Horse Sport Ireland are requesting all participants to wear face coverings/masks while attending events/training. This is for individual safety and that of others.
Horse Sport Ireland are urging the equestrian community to be leaders in respect of compliance and adherence to the public health advice.
The Board of Directors of the Association of Irish Riding Clubs CLG will issue further clarification regarding AIRC activities once it has considered this new framework from Horse Sport Ireland.